Friday night, at nearly midnight, I put the final touches on EXTINCTION EVENTS, the third volume of THE ULTIMATE ALPHA. the trilogy I've been working on (off-and-on) since 1994. I was 99% done last November, when I landed my present job, which (with its hour-and-a-quarter drive each way) takes up most of my days. That slowed the last percent for months -- really frustrating. But I finally, finally uploaded it onto It feels like my major, or at least one of my major goals in life has been accomplished.
Just in time, apparently. For the last week I've been having weird visual problems: I could look straight at a book or a computer screen and not see some words; I'd know the cursor was there, but I couldn't see it; I could see the keys on the keyboard -- but not the letters (unless I hunted along as for a lost contact lens -- "A! I'm pretty sure this is A!"). Not good for writing! The Warren Clinic people suggested it might be due to my blood pressure -- which is way up again. Guess I will have to take those pills, side-effects or no. 😐