Sunday, April 12, 2020


My usual way of working is to jump around on several projects at once.  This results in never getting any one project done, so I might as well have not worked at all.  I'll call it "multitasking", though, and it will sound impressive.

Now I'm working on Countdown, a collection of stories in which each story will be the same length or shorter than the one before. It ends with micro-tales only a few words long. The trouble with mini-stories: I've put in 65 so far, and I'm at 16.5k words -- about one-fourth of my goal. A long ways to go!

I guess I'll use the mini-story, thought up and written in 15 minutes, I entered into a contest before Christmas (that didn't win): "He Got Game""
Grandpa’s board game was based on his own house, which was now ours.

“Too much like CLUE,” Brandon said.

“He had to do something to occupy his time after Grandma disappeared,” I countered.

I moved my token to a kitchen pantry.

“That pantry’s not in the real kitchen,” observed Brandon.

We took a hammer to the plaster. We found Grandma.

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